La palabra del día: Privación

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Feminine noun. Action of stripping, preventing or depriving. E.g.: Proponemos la sustitución de la pena de muerte por la privación de la libertad: We propose the replacement of the death penalty with the deprivation of liberty.
The verb is privar and the adjective privativo/a/s. dc

La expresión del día: Con creces

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Adverbial locution. Broader or more abundant than it is necessary or expected. E.g.: Asimismo, sabemos que los costes del transporte de mercancías exceden con creces los de la mera construcción y reparación de carreteras: In addition, we know that the costs of freight transport far exceed those of just constructing and repairing roads. dc

La palabra del día: Aporte

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Masculine noun. In Legal and Business Spanish, aporte is the thing or set of things that are delivered or supplied to contribute to the achievement of an end. E.g.: Corea se incorporó como nuevo accionista en el 2005 y ha pagado íntegramente su aporte de capital: Korea, joined as a new shareholder in 2005 and paid in full its capital contribution.
It is also used the noun aportación. The verb is aportar. dc

La palabra del día: Ponderar

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Verb. From the Latin ponderare: to weight. To examine the positive and negative aspects of an issue or decision carefully and impartially. In Business Spanish can be used in expressions such as ponderar las propuestas/alternativas, etc. E.g.: Desde luego, la creación de empleo se debe ponderar teniendo en cuenta otras cuestiones, en particular el nivel de tecnología de las filiales extranjeras: Of course, employment generation has to be balanced against other issues, including the level of technology associated with foreign affiliates.
The noun is la ponderación. dc

La expresión del día: Negocio jurídico

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Masculine noun. Lawful legal act made up of one or more declarations of private will that the law recognizes as the basis for the production of legal effects, sought and wanted by its author or authors, provided that certain requirements or elements concur. E.g.: La elección de derecho produce que el negocio jurídico completo en todas sus facetas jurídicas se rija por el ordenamiento jurídico elegido: A choice of law clause has the effect of subjecting the whole legal transaction in all its legal aspects to the legal system selected. dc

La palabra del día: Subrogación

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Feminine noun. Legal transaction whereby one person replaces another in an obligation. Therefore, it can occur in either of the two positions of an obligation: debtor and creditor position. E.g.: La operación concluye con la formalización de la venta y subrogación: La operación concluye con la formalización de la venta y subrogación: The transaction concludes with the formalisation of the sale and subrogation. dc

La expresión del día: Maternidad subrogada

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Feminine noun. It is an arrangement, often supported by a legal agreement, whereby a woman (the surrogate mother) agrees to bear a child for another person or persons, who will become the child’s parent(s) after birth. E.g.: La Comisión Especial observa que el número de acuerdos de maternidad subrogada en el ámbito internacional está aumentando rápidamente: The Special Commission noted that the number of international surrogacy arrangements is increasing rapidly.
In Spain it is not permitted by the legislation that regulates assisted reproduction techniques but it is legal if the birth takes place in a country where this kind arrangement is regulated. In Latin America is generally not regulated. dc

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