La palabra del día: Vacuna

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Feminine noun. Biological preparation that provides active acquired immunity to a particular infectious disease. E.g.: Se ha comprobado que la vacuna es muy eficaz en la prevención de la covid-19: The vaccine has proven very effective in preventing Covid-19.
The verbs are vacunar, to vaccinate, and vacunarse, to get vaccinated. Another noun is la vacunación: vaccination programme. E.g.: Aquellas personas que viajen a zonas selváticas pueden vacunarse contra la fiebre amarilla, malaria y cólera, previa consulta médica: Those persons travelling to jungle zones can be vaccinated against yellow fever, malaria and cholera, subject to medical consultation. dc

La expresión del día: Aprobar oposiciones

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Verb. Oposición or concurso de oposición is the examination process implemented in for recruitment and admission to the civil service and public companies. Aprobar oposiciones then means to pass those examinations. From the point of view of the Administration the expression is convocar a oposiciones: to advertise a job in the public service. E.g.: Si ha aprobado unas oposiciones, introduzca y mantenga actualizado su currículum vitae en línea: If you have successfully completed an open competition exam, you are welcome to enter and update your CV online. dc

La palabra del día: Diligencia debida

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Feminine noun. Investigation or exercise of care that a reasonable business or person is normally expected to take before entering into an agreement or contract with another party or an act with a certain standard of care. E.g.: El Departamento de Financiación Estructurado y Corporativo encarga estudios de análisis o diligencia debida relacionados con operaciones sin garantía soberana: The Structured and Corporate Finance Department commissions due dilligence studies relating to non-sovereign guaranteed operations. dc

La palabra del día: Válido/a/s

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Adjective. This word is very much used in Legal Spanish. From the Latin valĭdus: consistent, plausible, or admissible. Also can mean enforceable, if we are speaking about legislation. E.g.: La DPSG formula su Ley scout, que sigue siendo válida hasta 1971: The DPSG formulates its Scout Law which remains in force in the same form until 1971.
The noun is la validez. E.g.: Por tanto, ni ese acto ni sus resultados tienen validez jurídica: his act and its results therefore have no legal effect. dc

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