La expresión del día: Pliego de condiciones

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Masculine noun. In Business Spanish, a pliego de condicones is a document, exhaustive and mandatory, that establishes the conditions or clauses that are accepted in a works or services contract, an administrative concession, an auction, a tender, etc. E.g.: La entidad adjudicadora entregará el pliego de condiciones a los proveedores o contratistas de conformidad con los trámites: The procuring entity shall provide the solicitation documents to suppliers or contractors in accordance with the procedures. dc

La palabra del día: Licitación

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Feminine noun. In Business Spanish a licitación can mean two different but related things: 1. System by which the performance of a work or a service, generally of a public nature, is awarded to the person or company that offers the best conditions. The lexical phrases are convocar una licitación and adjudicar la licitación (convocatoria de la licitación/ adjudicación de la licitación) It is also possible to say convocar un concurso: to call for tenders. E.g.: La licitacion de la obra fue convocada en mayo y adjudicada a la empresa Constructura Moller y Perez-Cotapos S.A: The tender for the works was called in May and awarded to the company Constructura Moller y Perez-Cotapos S.A. 2. In some countries licitación refers also to a public sale in which a thing, especially goods or things of value, is awarded to the person who offers the most money for it. In Argentina we call the latter subasta pública. dc

La palabra del día: Brindar

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Verb. If you check in your dictionary, you’ll see that brindar translates as ‘to make a toast’. In a more formal and business register this word also means to offer someone something, especially an opportunity or a profit. E.g.: … no es de su interés personal brindar información privada a la corte :…it is not within their own personal interests to provide private information to the court. dc

La palabra del día: Barajar

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Verb. This is a word I come across several times during my lessons. It has two main meanings: 1. To shuffle, as a baraja (from the Arabic baraca: luck, bless) is a deck of cards; and 2. To consider the various possibilities or alternatives before making a decision. This last meaning is often used in business context. E.g.: Creo que la Comisión también podría barajar esta idea: I think this idea could also be considered by the Commission. dc

La palabra del día: Gestionar

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Verb. Gestionar is to take care of the administration, organization and operation of a company, economic activity or body. The noun is la gestión and the person is el gestor. E.g.: Esto, junto con la necesidad de normas para la gestión de riesgo, exige cambios en la situación actual: This, together with the need for risk management standards, demands changes to the current status quo; gestor de cuenta: account manager. dc

La palabra del día: La mano de Dios

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Feminine noun. “La mano de Dios” was a phrase used by the late Argentine footballer Diego Maradona to describe a goal that he scored in Argentina v England during the 1986 FIFA World Cup. The goal took place on June 22, 1986, at the Azteca Stadium in Mexico City. Under association football rules, Maradona should have received a yellow card for a clear “handball” incident and the goal disallowed. However, as the referees did not have a clear view of the play and video assistant referee technology did not yet exist, the goal stood and Argentina led 1–0. The game ended with a 2–1 win for the Argentines, thanks to a second goal scored by Maradona, known as the “Goal of the Century”. After the match, Diego Maradona stated that the goal was scored “a little with his head, and a little with the hand of God”. wkp
Please notice that el Diego in Argentina was also known as Dios and he used to speak about himself on the third person.

La palabra del día: Contraprestación

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Feminine noun. Contraprestación is the service owed by a contracting party by reason of the one it has received or must receive from the other one. E.g.: El procedimiento de liquidación variará en función de la naturaleza de la contraprestación ofrecida: The settlement procedure varies depending upon the nature of the consideration offered.
The verb is contraprestar. dc

La palabra del día: Pasivo

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Masculine noun. Pasivo is the total monetary value of the debts and liabilities of a company, institution or individual, and that are reflected in its accounting: Para los riesgos previsibles el Grupo constituye reservas en el pasivo del balance: Foreseeable risks are provisioned on the liabilities side of the balance sheet.
By the way, as an adjective, pasivo means passive. dc

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