La palabra del día: Baja

Feminine noun. Another term with several meanings. These ones are relevant to us:
1. Decrease in the price, value and estimate of something. E.g.: Esto se demuestra por la tendencia a la baja de los precios de venta de la industria comunitaria en el período considerado: This is demonstrated by the decreasing trend in the Community industry’s sales prices over the period considered. The verb is bajar and the lexical locution is estar a la baja. E.g.; Los precios de las viviendas están a la baja: property prices are down.
2. Act in which the cessation is declared in industries or professions subject to tax and also the tax form to effect such withdrawal. The lexical locution is darse de baja de and dar de baja (de). E.g.: Me di de baja del impuesto a las ganacias: I unsubscribed from income tax.
3. Cessation of a person in a service, professional body, association, etc., and the document that accredits such act. The lexical locutions are also darse de baja de and dar de baja (de). E.g.: ¿Cómo me doy de baja del servicio? How can I unregister from the service?
4. Leave granted to a worker for a period of time in cases of illness, accident, etc. The lexical locutions is estar de baja. E.g.: María estuvo de baja por maternidad de enero a abril de 2021 y volvió a su cargo en mayo de 2021. María was on maternity leave from January to April 2021 and joined again in May 2021. dc.

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