La palabra del día: Reivindicar

Verb. This term has three main meanings: 1. To claim something to which one thinks one is entitled. E.g.: Itaembé Guazú: con múltiples actividades reivindicaron los derechos de la niñez y la juventud: Itaembé Guazú: with multiple activities they called for the rights of children and youth. 2. To argue in favor of something or someone. E.g.: Alberto Fernández reivindicó la rebeldía de los jóvenes: “Los necesito movilizados”: Alberto Fernández advocated the rebellion of the youth: “I need you mobilized”. 3. To claim the authorship of an action for oneself. E.g.: Talibanes de Pakistán reivindican atentado que dejó cuatro muertos cerca de frontera afgana: Pakistan Talibans claim responsibility for attack that left four dead near Afghan border.
The noun is la reivindicación and the adjective reivindicativo/a. dc

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